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Protein substances and their benefits. Protein rich foods benefits

Proteins are very essential for our body. Protein was discovered by Linus Pauling in 1950. He became the founder of Molecular Biology by discovering the Spiral Structure of Proteins. A normal adult person usually needs 46 grams - 56 grams of protein daily according to his age and weight. Along with taking proper diet, if you include extra protein in your diet, then it is also beneficial, whether it is in the form of protein shake or any other form. Since it takes more energy to digest protein and due to this more calories are used, weight is also reduced.

Protein rich foods benefits 

Protein is found in various vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods. By taking which we can fulfill the deficiency of protein.

Protein rich foods benefits

Protein rich foods list -:

Seafood [Seafood],

White – Meat (White – Meat Poultry),

Milk, Cheese and Yogurt


Phali [Beans]

Pork Tenderloin


Beef (Lean Beef),


protein shake

Protein deficiency is harmful for the body. Its deficiency causes many diseases.

Protein deficiency disease -:

Marasmus [Marasmus]

Kwashiorkor [Kwashiorkor],

Abnormal Blood Clotting,


Muscle Wasting


Changes in skin and nails [Skin and Nail Alterations],

Hair loss [Hair Loss],


Gas troubles [Gastrointestinal Distress].

Protein deficiency disease symptoms -:

Protein deficiency is commonly found in sportsmen and other physically active people. To identify this deficiency, it is necessary to pay attention to the following symptoms -:

constant hunger,

2 muscle and joint pain

Thinning of hair and nails,

4 Susan [Swellling] coming,

Being sick continuously.

Benefits of protein (Protein benefits) -:

Protein has various benefits. Whose description is as follows-:

Weight loss [ Weight Loss Tool ]-:

 Including protein in the diet is an effective way to lose weight. Since the diet which includes protein, it requires more calories to digest. Due to which excess fat does not accumulate in the body and obesity does not occur on the body. Also, these types of foods do not cause hunger quickly, due to which obesity does not increase by not taking any extra diet and by not taking oily breakfast, fast food and weight is controlled.

According to a study published in Nutrition Metabolism, people who increased their protein intake by 30% burned about 450 more calories and lost up to 11 pounds in about 12 weeks. Protein reduces excess fat and also makes muscles strong, as well as it increases muscles in thin, correct shape.

Suitable amount of protein -:

You should decide the amount of protein according to your body weight. 0.5 – 1.0 grams of protein is suitable for one pound of weight. For example, if a woman weighs 140 pounds, then she should include 70-140 grams of protein-rich foods in her diet.

Repair & Maintenance -:

Proteins are essential for overall health and proper functioning of the human body. Protein helps a lot in building and repairing the body. Protein is called the building block of the body, because proteins are very important in the maintenance and construction of body tissue. Proteins are very helpful in making our organs, muscles, skin, hair, nails, bones and some hormones. That's why growing children need more protein than adults.

Energy [ Energy ] -:

Proteins are an important source of energy. If the body consumes more than the required amount of protein to be used for its maintenance and other functions, then the body uses it to get energy. And if you consume more protein than this, then it builds up fat cells.

Hormones [ Harmones ] -:

Proteins are also helpful in the formation of hormones, which are necessary for smooth running of many functions of the body and maintaining harmony. Insulin is an example of such a protein, which controls the amount of sugar [Blood Sugar] in the blood. It creates coordination between different organs, like it creates harmony between pancreas and liver, which helps in proper completion of digestion process.

Ferment [Enzymes]-:

Enzymes are proteins that increase chemical reactions in the body. Even many chemical reactions in the body are not possible without enzymes. Like DNA without some enzymes. [N.A. ] cannot be constructed.

Transportation & Storage of Molecules -:

Proteins are the main carrier of some molecules [Molecules]. For example, hemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen throughout the body.

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