What are Internet Connections?

At present, there are many options for connection to run the internet in the computer, out of which we choose the options according to our needs and also keeping in mind the features. It is a group of information that meets the needs of all users. If you want to get any information in the world then internet is required.

Our work becomes very easy through the Internet, two users can talk and exchange even after being away from each other by being connected to the Internet.

What are Internet Connections?
Types of Internet Connection in:

Generally the following types of connections are used:

(1)Dail-Up Connection

(2) Broadband Connection

The subject of both these types of connection is given in further detail.

Dial-Up Connection:

Dial up connection uses a telephone line to connect the system to the internet. It is called PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network), in this internet is provided by ISP with the help of telephone line, so the cost of this connection is very low. This is known as a level connection.

Dial-Up Connection

This connection cannot be kept in a good connection because its maximum speed is 56Kbps, but in this, its speed can be increased by a technique called ISDN.

Broadband Connection:

It is a very fast working internet connection. Its speed is faster than the dail-up connection. This connection can be in the following four forms:

(1) DSL

(2) Fiber Optic

(3) Cable

(4) Satellite

(5) Mobile broadband

(1) DSL:

This is the short form of the word Digital Subscribe Line. This is a special type of service designed to use the unusable telephone line. Its specialty is that without tying up the telephone service, it provides the facility to use the internet from the same cable. The speed of working of this network depends on this. It depends on the distance of our system from the switching station. So we can decide according to distance and requirement whether cable connection will be suitable for us or DSL line.

(2) Cable:

It is an internet connection running from Cable TV which is currently spread almost everywhere. This type of broadband connection is provided by our nearest cable TV operator. This connection directly reaches our system, so its speed is fast, but if the same connection is with many users, then its speed can also be very low. This connection cannot be used in a large area because the cable network is spread over a short distance.

(3) Fiber optic:

Optical fiber cable differs from other types of media in that it is made of thousands of thin fibers of glass. Each glass fiber is as fine as a hair through which light can be transmitted. In this, the laser beam is transmitted through a laser device at the speed of millions of bits per second. This is shown by the following figure.

fiber optics

A single fiber can carry a few television signals or the signals of thousands of telephone lines.

The size and weight of this cable is less than that of coaxial cable, which makes it easy to use. The transmission of data is bound when two coaxial cables are joined together, while the joint of fiber optical cable is hidden, it becomes one when it is joined because it is pasted.

In this, data transfer is 10 times faster than coaxial cable. Through this, data can be transmitted at high speed (1000 Mbps).

(4) Satellite:

This broadband facility is used to make access through the internet to remote areas. The biggest drawback of this type of broadband facility is that the internet connection speed is very low and the cost is also high as compared to other connections. This is a very useful facility for those people living in rural areas who do not want to use dial-up connection.

The cost of installing this type of broadband connection is quite high as it requires a lot of expensive equipment but it is cheap as compared to the amount paid per month for other types of broadband connections.

(5) Mobile Broadband:

At present, this broadband facility is being used the most because it can be used for internet while staying at any place and currently mobile, tablet, laptop are being used a lot. It has two important features, first it does not require any big size device, it runs with a small sim card and secondly its speed is very fast, which is known as 3G, 4G, LTE etc.

In this, the speed of up to 150 Mbps is achieved with LET technology. 3G to 7 Mbps and 4G to 21 Mbps fast speed is achieved. In this, the speed of 5G has been recorded at 20 Gbps (gigabits per second), which is much higher than 4G.