What is computer network?

When we want to send information from one place to another, that is, we want to share it with others, who are many kilometers away from us, then for this we need a network. And through this network, we can connect two communication devices (Computer, mobile etc.) and communicate between them.

Sending data and information to any other place is called data communication. Speaking in the language of network, when two or more computers or computer network or other computing device transmit digital data, then it is called data communication. Physical connection or wireless connection can be used to establish communication between two devices. The best example of this is the internet. With the help of which we can communicate with a person sitting at a distance or can get any kind of stored data.

What is computer network?

Computer network is like the base for big commercial enterprises all over the world. The user simultaneously controls the branches spread over many countries from this network.

Users can use different types of data base software and computing resources connected with this network. Through electronic mail, a message can be easily carried from one place to another. Various types of applications are developed through computer network and it is used in many enterprises.

Types of Computer Networks:

In Computer Network, computers can be connected by keeping them near and far apart. When connecting computers, we can get both 24 hours and part time connectivity and it depends on the type of connection. Computer networks are divided into the following parts on the basis of their area:

Personal Area Network (PAN)

Local Area Network (LAN)

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

Wide Area Network (WAN)

(1) Personal Area Network:

When work is done by a person by connecting all the devices of the microcomputer inside a limit, then it is called PAN. The maximum range of this network is up to 10 meters. In this network, all the devices like keyboard, mouse, wireless connection or printer are connected to the CPU through wireless or switch/hub etc., then it will be called personal area network. This can be understood from the following picture:

Personal Area Network:

(2) Local Area Network:

This type of network is used to connect computers in a local area such as a university, campus or manufacturing plant. Generally this type of network can be used to cover the distance up to 5 km.

Local Area Network:

The data transfer rate in this type of network is high, which ranges from about 10 Mbps (mega byte per seconds) to 100 Mbps. To control this type of networking technology, a special physical media is used which is different from the wide area network.

(3) Metropolitan Area Network:

This is a special type of network. Full time or part time connectivity is available in this. In this, we connect the offices located in a city or at some distance where LAN connection has been made.

Metropolitan Area Network:

Its range is up to about 40 km and it can be kept in both local area network or wide area network. Normally fiber optic cable is used in MAN, it is used on transposition topology and data can be transmitted with look maps or higher speed.

(4) Wide Area Network:

This type of network is used to cover a large geographical area. Point to point link is used in wide area network in which many systems can be connected together. In LAN, a shared physical media is used and it is used to connect different types of systems within a campus, so that full time connectivity is achieved, while dedicated leased is used in WAN, which gives part time connectivity. connectivity is available. Usually this connection is provided by telephone line.

Wide Area Network:

WAN generally works at a lower speed than LAN, its speed is about 2 Mbps or less. In this, fiber optic cable is used to transfer any data.

Broadband and point to point network:

(1) Broadcast network:

Broadcast means to broadcast, that is, it always broadcasts the information for data transmission to all the computers connected together, from which the computer for which the information is received receives it and gives it to the computer sending the information. In this way information is broadcasted every time for transmission in the network. That's why it is called broadcast network. Can understand from below picture:

Broadcast network:

(2) Point to Point connection:

It is a protocol whose function is to establish communication between two devices. It has only two dedicated links. Generally cable is used for physical link but sometimes microwave or satellite link can also be used. this net