
The present era is of computer and internet, just as the number of computer users is increasing, in the same way the number of people using internet from computer is increasing and along with it cybercrime is also increasing. The incidents of fraud, forgery, theft and mischief etc. are increasing day by day through internet which is known as cyber crime. To stop this, cyber laws have been made in India.

The first computer law was made in 1970, which was named 'Data Protection Act 1970'. This law was for the protection of data, but other crimes through internet such as fraudulently withdrawing money from someone's account online by unauthorized user, obtaining credit card number online, making false propaganda about someone etc. On October 17, 2000, the Indian Parliament passed the 'Information Technology Act' to bring it under the category of crime. 2020' Bill passed. After this bill is passed, frauds committed in e-commerce, e-governance, e-banking etc. come under the category of crime with provision of fine and punishment.

What is cyber laws?

Information Technology Act, 2000:

IT Act. Also called 2000. This act was passed as Act 21 of the year 2000 which received the assent of the President on 9 June 2000 and was made effective for the whole of India on 17 October 2000. This act was prepared to provide legal recognition to electronic transactions. It was designed to promote electronic data interchange and electronic communication. It serves to keep government communication and information which used to be on paper in electronic form.

There are a total of 94 sections in this Act, which are divided into 13 chapters and 4 schedules. This Act includes sections of India Panel Code, 1960, India Evidence Act 1982, Banker Books Evidence Act, 1991 and Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. The rules of this Act apply to all the persons residing in India as well as to the outsiders who come under the category of cybercrime related to India.


It is an abbreviated form of the word electronic commerce, which in Hindi means electronic business. In the present era, people are liking this type of business very much, mainly because they can get all kinds of goods available in the world sitting at home at a reasonable price. Have to go Whether we are buying goods, sending or exchanging them, we can do all the work electronically and this is what we call e-commerce. E-commerce can be divided into the following four categories on the basis of usage:

Business to Customer (B2C)

Business to Government (B2C)

Business to Business (B2B)

Customer to Customer (C2C)

The following are the benefits of doing the above tasks through E-commerce:

(a) Business oriented:

Online shopping has become possible only after the arrival of e-commeree, with this we can buy and sell any item sitting at home. This is called electronic business, it is also a gift of e-commerce. It is mainly based on business, whether it is the work of selling or buying or replacing goods, e-bussiness is useful for all. With the advent of e-commerce, the scope of business has expanded. With this, the business can be delivered to the whole world through the website.

(b) Suitable service:

E-commerce provides a huge area for buying and selling of any item. Such a customer can get information about any item which is not available in his area through e-commerce sitting at home and can get it easily.

(c) Online security:

At present, the biggest threat to e-commerce is fraud, illegal entries, wiretapping and virus. That's why it is necessary that complete online security has been given in e-commerce. Currently there were many measures for online security. As the data is sent encrypted, digital signature is used, firewall is used, antivirus is being used and secure www server is used.

(d) Coordination:

The main purpose of e-commerce is to bring consumer, business, manufacturer, distributor, business partner and employees on one platform, through which the consumer can directly contact the manufacturer or distribute through e-mail or other means. From all the above points, we can understand that how useful is e-commerce for us at present, at present online shopping, online banking, online bill payment, online fund transfer etc. are being used long back and e-commerce in near future. Most of the work of the person will be done in an easy way only.


The present era has become of internet, so the government also wants to keep all its documents in electronic form and communicate through electronic means. The main reason for which is the speed of work. Keeping and checking documents in paper takes a lot of time. For example, if we want to see a particular diary document, then it is very difficult to find it among thousands of millions, but if it is kept in electronic form, it can be searched immediately with the help of computer. That's why electronic government is very important for the government, it has the following benefits:

(1) Speed:

Its works are done at a rapid pace because through Fax, Phone, Cell, phone and internet, there is speed in government work.