
Before knowing about System Software, we get information about the software. Software is a set of instructions or programs that are required to use a computer. The work of the software itself tells the computer what to do and how to do it and works to determine and control the functions of all the hardware installed in the computer.

If we want to do any work in the computer, then software is needed for this, whether it is writing letters, data entry, running the internet or even starting the computer, software is needed.

Thus we can say that if computer is a body then software is its brain. Just as the human body is useless without the brain, in the same way no work can be done on the computer without the software. There are two types of software in which the first is System Software and the second is Application Software.

What is System Software?

This System Software are those software which are made only to run the computer system. These software are meant to manage and control the hardware of the computer and also help the application software to be implemented. System software is an essential part of a computer system. Without these the system cannot even be started. The operation system can be called a clear example of this.

System software is a program that keeps our computer running and working. System software in a way works to revive the hardware. Without it, the computer is like a lifeless machine. System software works to run the application software and hardware on our computer. System software acts as an interface between our system and the user. Its types are as follows:

What is System Software? 

Types of system software:

System Management Software

System Development Software

System Software Utilities

System Management Software:

The software that works to manage the hardware of the computer is called system management software. These are of the following types:

(1). Operating System

This operating system is an essential system software that manages and controls all the hardware devices of the computer. It provides an interface between the user and the hardware through which we can use the hardware. All user applications run on top of the operation system.

The operation system itself starts our computer and displays all the application software, files, folders etc. present in the computer in front of us. Starting the computer with the help of the operation system is called Booting.

(2).Device Driver

A device driver is a software that helps in connecting a particular device to the computer. Whenever we have to connect a device to the computer and use it, then for this its driver software has to be installed, otherwise we cannot use that device without the device drive.

Drivers of some important devices like monitor, keyboard, mouse, headphone, pen-drive etc. are with the operation system. For this reason, we do not need to install any kind of driver to use them. But to use some other devices like – printer, dongle, speaker etc. it is necessary to install their driver.

(3). Firmware

It is a special type of software that is stored in non-volatile memory inside the computer. In fact, both software and memory are called Firmware. Firmware's function is to help the computer start up. To understand them by example, there is a BIO fear in the ROM memory in the computer which works to start the computer.

Firmware is not only used in computers but it is also found in all types of electronic devices. Such as TV, mobile, washing machine, printer etc. also have Firmware which starts them.

System Development Software:

System development software with the help of which new software can be created is called system development. These are of the following different types:

(1) Compiler

Compiler is a program that can do the work of translating the program (Source Code) written in High Level Language into Machine Language (Binary Code). It translates all the statements of the program in one go and also displays the error message in case of any errors. The binary file created after the source file is completely compiled is called an object file.

Later, an execute file is created from this object file, which is actually a software that can be run on the computer. Since the compiler can translate all the statements of the program at once, the compiler works very fast. In most programming languages like C, C++, Java, Visual Basic, etc., the compiler is used to convert the source code into binary.


This interpreter is a program that, like a compiler, can work to translate the program (Source Code) written in High Level Language into machine language (Binary Code). But